Moved wind: international wind art festival – Call for proposals

changing horizons

including art competition, exhibition and framework programms „changing horizons“Call for proposals for the 8th international art competition „moved wind“

Sachsenberg/Germany(nh). „To make the invisible visible“ is a task and a challenge when looking at wind, a natural phenomenon as well as a metaphor. The call for proposal allows for varied anticipations regarding associations with the subject: movement within landscapes. Changing personal horizons and kens. Perspectives. Insights. Utopias. Boundless wind. Renewal. Relocation. A total of 6,000 Euro prize money is awarded. Deadline for applications for the “ideas competition” is 29.3.2016. The call for proposal can be downloaded from  . The exhibition in the landscapes will take place from 14.-28. August 2016 in Northern Hesse, Germany.

Here art interacts with wind and weather: „moved wind“ stages wind art in these diverse landscapes. Valleys, peaks, cityscapes form background, reference and sometimes counterpoint to the exhibition in the “wind art land” of Northern Hesse. The wind art festival takes place every two years at three to five different locations in the region. “moved wind” is a landscape exhibition which includes an art competition, frame programme, artists’ gatherings, cultural exchange, guided tours of the exhibition and a children’s’ programm. Since 2004 seven art competitions were announced internationally and held in our region. Wind objects, installations, performances and videos promise art- and natureexperiences in remarkable landscapes. Up to now, 475 art works by 384 artists from 37 countries were exhibited in 23 locations in the region. What is the fascination of “wind”? Global, invisible, perceptible in every movement, quiet or roaringly loud, meteorological and mythological. Wind is the only element which is not visible and is only perceived through its relationship to the other elements. Wind is a natural phenomenon and a symbol of spirit. Around the globe there is the ambivalence of its features: whispering and stormy, howling and rustling, wild and tame, hot and cold, communicative and centered. Each landscape is shaped by wind, P1- bewegter wind- Ausschreibung des 8. Kunstwettbewerbs 2016 every culture has been influenced by wind. Various aspects of an invisible
phenomenon occupy artists worldwide.

A short overview of the project
Wind art in landscapes in Northern Hesse has a successful history. The aim of the association “moved wind” is to show the intangible of wind and all its metaphors. Here, the unifying element of the intangible, the role and perception of art/nature/landscape are examined under the global and inter-cultural aspects of one topic. Exchange and co-operation regarding „wind art“ will be promoted. The frame programme as well as an art education programme will create awareness regarding wind art among visitors, locals, nature and sports tourists and children. The aim is to create sustainable promotion of wind art as well as its intercultural spirit.

Data, names, facts sheet and conditions.